Dr Rafi Kot's Covid-19 Talk at Repsol Office

On 26 February, Family Medical Practice’s Founder and CEO Dr. Rafi Kot made a presentation on CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK to the staff of the Repsol office.

Dr. Kot addressed more than 40 employees of the global energy firm, presenting an overview of the current status of Covid-19 both worldwide and within our community. He provided details of the various strains of coronavirus and the pandemics we have experienced thus far, including SARS, swine flu, the Hong Kong flu, and MERS. Based on the symptoms and a close genetic analysis, Covid-19 is 88% similar to SARS, but there is a significant difference in the rate of transmission.
According to Dr. Rafi, current CCDC statistics on COVID-19 mortality for each age group show the highest death rate (14.8%) is among the population aged above 80. There has been no mortality recorded for children under 9 years old. For cases between 30–50 years old, the mortality rate below the age of 39 stands at 0.2%, while for over 40 years old it is at 0.4%.
To give attendees a deeper understanding of the virus and how it damages the respiratory system, Dr. Rafi explained the complex workings of its DNA, portraying this virus’ complex medical issues in easily comprehensible terms.
Before the talk closed, Dr. Rafi reminded everyone to continue practicing daily hygiene by washing hands regularly, wearing a mask if one is not well so as to protect others from getting sick, and encouraging people to seek medical care if they feel sick.
This is one of many talks FMP will be organizing for mid- to large-sized corporate groups with the goal of engaging with our community, informing them of the latest updates, and most importantly easing fears and minimizing the unnecessary spread of incorrect information.