Konnit Fast’ N’ Fun Tournament 2019 at Phu My Hung District 7

Yesterday, our *9999 team was pleased to see a huge turnout of young racers at the Konnit Fast’ N’ Fun Tournament 2019 in Phu My Hung. Our ambulance services were on standby for the full day event, with staff at our medical station taking care to protect the safety of the young racers on the field aged from two to five years old.

Congratulations to the little racers who braved the heat and, more than anything, enjoyed their participation outdoors! Thankfully, medical incidents were minor and kept to a minimum, and the most important thing was that a great time was had by students and parents alike.
The most exciting speed race of the day was the fast n' fun crawlin' race with the participation of a number of toddlers who exercised their newfound crawling abilities in their first ever race to the finish line. We expect to see some of these young challengers competing again at Konnit on their bikes in the years to come!

Family Medical Practice has co-operated with konnit since the first races in 2017, as well as at other sporting events for children.
*9999 is the first international emergency ambulance response service styled after 911 in Vietnam. For more information, please visit www.star9999.vn.
#konnitfastnfun #nationalchampionship #Konnitfastnfuncrawling
-- Family Medical Practice Vietnam: https://www.vietnammedicalpractice.com/