Bs. Serge Gradstein
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Ngôn ngữ:
Pháp, Anh, Do Thái
- Bằng cấp và chứng nhận
- Thông tin
Quá trình đào tạo và công tác
1998 - 2011 | Senior Pediatrician and consultant, Infectious Diseases Pediatric Dept., Pediatric AIDS Clinic, Kaplan Hospital |
1996 | STD Clinic, Tel Aviv, Israel, Fellow in Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit. Soroka Center, Beer Sheva, Israel |
1994 | Attending Pediatrician, Dept. of Pediatrics “A” Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot, Israel |
Bằng cấp chuyên môn
1994 | Diploma of Specialization in General Pediatrics |
1990 | Residency in Pediatrics, Dept. of Pediatrics “A” Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot. Affiliated to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
1989 | M.D. Tel Aviv University, Israel |
1987 | Post Doctoral position at the Dept. of Cell Research and Immunology. George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv Univ, Israel |
1986 | Internship at the Kaplan Hospital, Rechovot, Israel |
1982 | Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel |
1978 | School of Medicine, University of Paris 5 France, Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital |