Family Medical Practice welcomed students from Angel Kindergarten to our District 2 Medical Center on August 17th, 2015.
As an extracurricular activity, the students had a chance to 'become a doctor' which included many interesting activities such as: measuring their friends' heights and weights, becoming an emergency doctor and working on our ambulance, using stethoscope to check the internal sounds of a human body, and also having a friendly talk with Dr. Orly, our Pediatrician.

By providing this kind of medical facility tour, we hope that we can create an opportunity for children to enhance their knowledge about medicine and health care facilities, as well as helping the children not to be fear when seeing a doctor in the future.

If schools and kindergartens would like to arrange similar activities at our medical center, please contact our Marketing Department via email: marketing@vietnammedicalpractice.com or telephone number: (08) 3822 7848 ext. 5