Champion Dash 2017

Family Medical Practice and *9999 Emergency Medical Response were out in force at the third annual Red Bull Champion Dash in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 7 on Saturday.

With three ambulance units on hand, three medical tents in operation, and fully-fledged emergency medical team, competitors were in safe hands as they navigated the 21-obstacle, 7-km track in Phu My Hung. The event attracted over 4,000 people this year including professional athletes, adrenaline seekers wanting to test their limits, and young Future Champions on a separate obstacle course. Our medical stations were busy throughout the race. Out of 4000 attendees on race day, FMP’s EMR *9999 program successfully cared for the medical needs of 150 participants that requested care.
Champion Dash General Director Russel Johnson – himself a former Canadian firefighter and first responder – was effusive in his praise for the work that the *9999 team were able to offer.