Very good. Five years ago, I was here when I went to study in Australia, and returned last month to get a PR. Everything was the same, the Philippine doctor was the last to give me. Love this place. Thanks.
기업 임직원 대상
혈액 샘플 수거
개인 정기 건강검진
기업 임직원 대상 건강검진
여성전용 건강검진
노동비자 발급용 건강검진
비자 발급용 건강검진
운동능력 검사
도우미 대상 검진
혼전 건강검진
기업 임직원 대상
혈액 샘플 수거
개인 정기 건강검진
기업 임직원 대상 건강검진
여성전용 건강검진
노동비자 발급용 건강검진
비자 발급용 건강검진
운동능력 검사
도우미 대상 검진
혼전 건강검진
기업 임직원 대상
혈액 샘플 수거
Essential Health Check-Up
I went there for a regular check, it is an amazing place, personnel is very nice and profesional, great service to take your medical examinations
Carlos Norena (Australian)
Executive Check-Up
How are you? Let me first introduce myself i'm Jake Ceniza we've been there last 3 weeks with a lady my co-office for executive check up. I just want to say thank you so much for being kind for us.
Were very happy for the result.
Jake Ceniza (USA)
Visa Check-Up
Thank you for making our visit comfortable
Precious Rose Villanueva Cendana (France)
Essential Health Check-Up
Hello Thuy,
How are you?I am back home, Thank you for welcoming us and your help for all the medical tests for my parents, all these well spent, you have a very professional team, I am pleasantly surprised by the quality of service and equipment, I think we will come back every year to do all these tests for my family.
Son Bernard Trong Huy VU (France)
Exclusive Health Check-Up
I had no real expectations other than expected to have to wait around a lot and this turned out not to be the case.
Warm welcome, speedy service and competent staff.
Soraya Kishtwari Canals
Essential Health Check-Up
Good Service. The Doctors and staff are very helpful and nice. I would highly recommend this to all expats living in Ho Chi Minh City.
Gulshan Saini (India)
Exclusive Health Check-Up
Great Service, clear & professional explanation and great advice. Thank you!
Belinda Ann Smith (United Kingdom)
Work Permit Check-Up
I have nothing to say, my overall experience was very positive , professional and welcoming
David Simon (Hungary)
Visa Check-Up
Very good. Five years ago, I was here when I went to study in Australia, and returned last month to get a PR. Everything was the same, the Philippine doctor was the last to give me. Love this place. Thanks.
Tuan Duong
Essential Health Check-Up
I went there for a regular check, it is an amazing place, personnel is very nice and profesional, great service to take your medical examinations
Carlos Norena (Australian)
Executive Check-Up
How are you? Let me first introduce myself i'm Jake Ceniza we've been there last 3 weeks with a lady my co-office for executive check up. I just want to say thank you so much for being kind for us.
Were very happy for the result.
Jake Ceniza (USA)
Visa Check-Up
Thank you for making our visit comfortable
Precious Rose Villanueva Cendana (France)
Essential Health Check-Up
Hello Thuy,
How are you?I am back home, Thank you for welcoming us and your help for all the medical tests for my parents, all these well spent, you have a very professional team, I am pleasantly surprised by the quality of service and equipment, I think we will come back every year to do all these tests for my family.
Son Bernard Trong Huy VU (France)
Exclusive Health Check-Up
I had no real expectations other than expected to have to wait around a lot and this turned out not to be the case.
Warm welcome, speedy service and competent staff.
Soraya Kishtwari Canals
Essential Health Check-Up
Good Service. The Doctors and staff are very helpful and nice. I would highly recommend this to all expats living in Ho Chi Minh City.
Gulshan Saini (India)
Exclusive Health Check-Up
Great Service, clear & professional explanation and great advice. Thank you!
Belinda Ann Smith (United Kingdom)
Work Permit Check-Up
I have nothing to say, my overall experience was very positive , professional and welcoming
David Simon (Hungary)
Visa Check-Up
Very good. Five years ago, I was here when I went to study in Australia, and returned last month to get a PR. Everything was the same, the Philippine doctor was the last to give me. Love this place. Thanks.
Tuan Duong
I think the main barrier to progress in this area is to do with the mind. That’s the only thing that prevents people from taking action. They are too shy to learn about contraception, have it, buy it, use it or convince their partner to use it.
Dr. Tran Thi Kim Nguyet
신종 코로나 바이러스 (COVID-19) 정보
대부분의 코로나바이러스는 동물을 감염시키는 바이러스 이지만 그 중에 일부는 사람에게 전염됩니다. 감염은 경미한 증상부터 심각한 증상까지 다양하게 나타납니다. 대부분 전세계를 자주 감염시는 일반적인 바이러스는 주로 감기와 유사한 호흡기 증상을 일으키게 됩니다. 하지만, 일부 바이러스는 메르스(MERS)나 사스(SARS) 같이 치명적인 질환을 일으키기도 합니다.
Dr. Pedro L. Trigo
신종 코로나 바이러스 확산을 막기 위한 사회적 거리 두기
사회적 거리 두기는 사람들이 서로 가까이 있거나 자주 접촉하는 것을 피함으로 질병의 확산을 막기 위해기 위한 예방책입니다. 이는 COVID-19과 같이 감염성 질환이 발생하는 지금과 같은 상황에 적용되어야만 합니다. “사회적 거리 두기”는 “격리”와 다릅니다.
Dr.Miguel de Seixas
I think the main barrier to progress in this area is to do with the mind. That’s the only thing that prevents people from taking action. They are too shy to learn about contraception, have it, buy it, use it or convince their partner to use it.
Dr. Tran Thi Kim Nguyet
신종 코로나 바이러스 (COVID-19) 정보
대부분의 코로나바이러스는 동물을 감염시키는 바이러스 이지만 그 중에 일부는 사람에게 전염됩니다. 감염은 경미한 증상부터 심각한 증상까지 다양하게 나타납니다. 대부분 전세계를 자주 감염시는 일반적인 바이러스는 주로 감기와 유사한 호흡기 증상을 일으키게 됩니다. 하지만, 일부 바이러스는 메르스(MERS)나 사스(SARS) 같이 치명적인 질환을 일으키기도 합니다.
Dr. Pedro L. Trigo
신종 코로나 바이러스 확산을 막기 위한 사회적 거리 두기
사회적 거리 두기는 사람들이 서로 가까이 있거나 자주 접촉하는 것을 피함으로 질병의 확산을 막기 위해기 위한 예방책입니다. 이는 COVID-19과 같이 감염성 질환이 발생하는 지금과 같은 상황에 적용되어야만 합니다. “사회적 거리 두기”는 “격리”와 다릅니다.
Dr.Miguel de Seixas
I think the main barrier to progress in this area is to do with the mind. That’s the only thing that prevents people from taking action. They are too shy to learn about contraception, have it, buy it, use it or convince their partner to use it.